1. Introduction and Course Overview
VP of Decision Science @AdoreMe
Understanding and operating modern businesses is complicated
Most startups fail. 1 One has to make many good decisions over a long period of time to have a chance at success in a competitive environment.
Why do we build models? Mental, mathematical, statistical? 5
All models have assumptions, pressupositions, and limitations:
Fundamentals of business economics and statistical modeling:
\[ Question \longrightarrow Modeling \longrightarrow Insight \longrightarrow Action \longrightarrow Outcome \]
We have to understand clearly what we mean by AI, ML, and Analytics. Then, pick the right tool for each problem
Decision-Making Under Uncertainty at Scale
First and foremost, you have to start with a research topic, question and design your study or experiment. It’s hard!
You might’ve heard of internal and external validity
A. Gelman clarifies very well three different aspects of statistical inference. Always remember this when we discuss stats! We want to generalize in terms of:
\[Sample \longrightarrow Population\]
\[Treatment \longrightarrow Control\]
\[Measurement \longrightarrow Construct\]
The holy grail is to build statistical models based on the causal processes informed by theories / hypotheses. Then model how we measured,15 and collected data.16
The hardest problem, worthy of a Nobel prize in econometrics
How many times have you heard that correlation doesn’t imply causation? Yet, ALL the methods you studied so far are not sufficient to fully justify causality, even Granger!
VUCA: Volatile | Uncertain | Complex | Ambiguous
Think of youself as a business person with superpowers
Engineering in the trenches
Contemplating in the library
Moreover, how do you keep up with latest developments?
At most 5 pages + appendix + code attachement
For engineers, if you like programming:
For analysts, statisticians, and data scientists:
ML approaches are allowed, however the below aren’t:
Also not allowed:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” ― A Tale of Two Cities, (Dickens 1859),
Why should you stick with the course?
Reading from course materials and external resources:
Fill in the survey about your interests and prerequisites
How many do you think survive in the first 5 years in the US?
Montier (2014)
Stout (2016)
Then ask yourself, are you open to founding a startup in the next 5 years?
For example, the coin flip is a wonderful abstraction, especially when the flips or events are independent
In a causal sense, that is if we intervene, this is what is going to happen. Or in the predictive sense
Imagine how many possible paths are there if for every minute we have a choice between 20 actions: read, eat, move, watch, etc
This is not to minimize what intuition resulting from deep knowledge and experience can bring to the table
This is what you basically study in Business Analytics classes: ways to think about diagnosis, strategy, business processes, stakeholders, etc
Jordan (2016)
Kozyrkov (2021)
Deep dive in Logistics class. My strong recommendation is to apply it in practice and read N. Vandeput
You will deep dive into customer psychology and decisions under uncertainty in the behavioral economics class
These models are the way you operationalize a risk management strategy at scale (“minimize bleeding”)
We’ll dedicate one lecture on it, but you have whole specialized classes on business metrics
Again, we treat it in the most general sense, but you have BI classes which show you how data is collected and structured in most businesses
Hunt (2008)